Content Marketing, Explained

Do you understand Content Marketing and the new media landscape? Access below – the first in our series of white papers – The Brand is Back, and So is Content.

The Brand is Back – and So is Content

By David Keene

Content marketing is the most important new tool to arrive on the marketing landscape in twenty years. A valuable new weapon – but also the key to understanding how the paid-earned-owned media puzzle now fits together.

In marketing today – in both consumer and B2B – brand loyalty is dead, isn’t it? It’s just a dog eat dog world where everyone shops on price. Products are commodities (and services might be headed there too). The value of the brand is evaporating.

And publishing today? Brands no longer need publishers or any serious media initiatives, they can wing it with social media, direct marketing, and other guerilla marketing tools.

The problem with both of those assumptions: interesting, but they just don't have (as Henry Kissinger liked to say) the added advantage of being true.

You may think you know how branding and marketing work in today’s media-rich world. And how publishing works. Especially if you are in the tech industries – the boots on the ground ones like enterprise, higher education, IT, AV/IP, not cell phones and Facebook – you probably don’t understand the nuances… access the full whitepaper below.

Download Full Whitepaper

To understand Content Marketing and the new media landcape, access the full White Paper, The Brand is Back – and So is Content, by submitting the simple form below.